Workshop Intervention for a Leading Global Accelerator


Global Accelerator suporting startups across sectors to setup and grow. This engagement was for their Fintech accelerator in India.


During the course of the program, each start-up had access to multiple mentors. Conflicting advice sometimes made their stories unclear. The team needed help in building a clear story for each start-up. The challenge was to ensure that investors could assess the start-ups based on key investment criteria and help the teams build a strategic and marketing plan in line with their story.

Our Approach

Conducted workshops for the selected 11 cohorts of startups to apply the storytelling structure to build their stories.

3 individual sessions with each company to assess their story, guide them on building marketing plan.

Removed conflicts in the story – wrong market estimate, customer segment, value proposition, etc.

Pitch clinic to assess and tighten the story, flow, content, structure.

Worked with each start-up to craft demo day pitch and have plan beyond demo day for customer and investor discussions.


Each company was able to onboard 2-3 customers during the engagement. Most got funding during/post-demo day. Some companies were in touch even post that for ongoing advisory solutions.